Welcome to the Juniata County, Pennsylvania Parcel Viewer Website

Parcel data updated 7/1/2024

Please Read the following Notice and Disclaimer

The information contained in this web site is provided on an "as is " basis. The County of Juniata makes no guarantee or representation about the accuracy or completeness of the information and disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose and non-infringement. The information contained within the website is not survey accurate. The County of Juniata hereby disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any damage, injury, loss claim or lawsuit arising from any error, in accuracy, or other problem either with the website or the data contained within the website

Note: The Floodplain layer depicts both 100 year (Zones: A, AE) and 500 year (Zone: 2 PCT) floodplain, as well as FEMA Floodways(Zone: AE FLOODWAY); This data is only representation of the FEMA floodplain information. For insurance or other important purposes the official floodplain determination should be made using the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) maps available from FEMA.

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Developed by:
Civic Vanguard